それからこの間作ったものはCydia Substrateを使いLINEをフックして招待がきたらデータベースから招待のデータを消すというものです。
[Ubuntu] Metasploitをインストール
- 仮想化ソフトをインストールします。
VMware Player か VirtualBox が無料でインストールできます。
ダウンロードリンク:VMware Player VirtualBox - Ubuntuをダウンロードし仮想化ソフトにインストールします。
Ubuntu12.04のダウンロードリンク:WEB Torrent
VMwareVirtualBox※メモリは最低でも1GB、HDDは20GB程度に設定してください。 - 仮想内でUbuntuを起動します。
user:~$sudo apt-get update user:~$sudo apt-get upgrade #gitが入っていない場合は $apt-get install git #スクリプトをダウンロード user$git clone https://github.com/darkoperator/MSF-Installer user:~$cd MSF-Installer user:~/MSF-Installer$./msf_install.sh -h Script for Installing Metasploit Framework By Carlos_Perez[at]darkoperator.com Ver 0.1.7 -i :Install Metasploit Framework. -p <password> :password for Metasploit databse msf user. If not provided a random one is generated for you. -r :Installs Ruby using Ruby Version Manager. -h :This help message #iを選んでインストールします user:~/MSF-Installer$./msf_install.sh -i [*] Log file with command output and errors /tmp/msfinstall-Nov-15-14-011249.log [*] Installing dependencies for Metasploit Framework [*] Finished installing the dependencies. [*] Installing base Ruby Gems [*] Finished installing the base gems. [*] Downloading and Compiling the latest version of Nmap [*] Downloading from SVN the latest version of Nmap [*] Configuring Nmap [*] Compiling the latest version of Nmap [*] Installing the latest version of Nmap [*] Creating the MSF Database user msf with the password provided [*] Metasploit Role named msf has been created. [*] Creating msf database and setting the owner to msf user [*] Metasploit database named msf has been created. [*] Installing Metasploit Framework from the GitHub Repository [*] Cloning latest version of Metasploit Framework [*] Linking metasploit commands. [*] linking msfbinscan command [*] linking msfcli command [*] linking msfconsole command [*] linking msfd command [*] linking msfelfscan command [*] linking msfencode command [*] linking msfmachscan command [*] linking msfpayload command [*] linking msfpescan command [*] linking msfrop command [*] linking msfrpc command [*] linking msfrpcd command [*] linking msfupdate command [*] linking msfvenom command [*] Creating Database configuration YAML file. [*] setting environment variable in system profile. Password will be requiered [*] Installing required ruby gems by Framework using bundler on System Ruby [*] Starting Metasploit so as to populate the database. [*] Finished Metasploit installation [*] Installing additional Metasploit plugins [*] Installing pentest plugin ############ 1######################################################################## 100.0% [*] The pentest plugin has been installed. [*] Installing DNSRecon Import plugin ######################################################################## 100.0% [*] The dnsr_import plugin has been installed. [*] Downloading latest version of Armitage [*] Decompressing package to /usr/local/share/armitage [*] Creating link for Armitage in /usr/local/bin/armitage [*] Creating link for Teamserver in /usr/local/bin/teamserver [*] Finished [*] ################################################################## [*] ### YOU NEED TO RELOAD YOUR PROFILE BEFORE USE OF METASPLOIT! ### [*] ### RUN source ~/.bashrc ### [*] ### When launching teamserver and armitage with sudo use the ### [*] ### use the -E option to make sure the MSF Database variable ### [*] ### is properly set. ### [*] ### ### [*] ##################################################################
- インストール完了後にmsfupdateを実行してみると
user:~MSF-Installer$msfupdate An error occurred while installing nokogiri (, and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure that `gem install nokogiri -v ''` succeeds before bundling.
user:~/MSF-Installer$sudo gem install nokogiri -v ''
をしてからmsfupdateするといけました。 - 最後にmsfconsoleで実行を確認。
user:~$msfconsole [*] Starting the Metasploit Framework console.../[*] The initial module cache will be built in the background, this can take 2-5 minutes... / , , / \ ((__---,,,---__)) (_) O O (_)_________ \ _ / |\ o_o \ M S F | \ \ _____ | * ||| WW||| ||| ||| =[ metasploit v4.10.1-dev [core:4.10.1.pre.dev api:1.0.0]] + -- --=[ 1369 exploits - 761 auxiliary - 219 post ] + -- --=[ 340 payloads - 37 encoders - 8 nops ] + -- --=[ Free Metasploit Pro trial: http://r-7.co/trymsp ]
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